This'll be really quick, as I'm rapidly running out of time (see previous day's entry for song lyrics, etc. I'm still in the same place after all).
Still enjoying thing I forgot to mention yesterday is how strangely familiar everything in this city is. I'd normally chalk it up to all the signage, etc., being in a language that I understand, but that's not it. Guess it has something to do with the fact that this city has been the capitol of the English-speaking world for the last few hundred years (sorry New York). At least since they stopped speaking French anyway.
Feel kind of bad about yesterday's "stolen goods" comment...didn't mean to imply any criminality, or that this is a nation of thieves...but after seeing the British Museum today, I *am* prepared to say that they're masters of the art of looting. Some truly amazing stuff in there from pre-history right up to the present. Some willingly given up, some...not so much. It's weird though - I'm all for museums, they provide a valuable service by preserving the past, but the exhibits all seem out of's like randomly quoting pieces of great literature: The individual pieces may still be great, but they lack the context of the whole. I suppose I could supply my own context by learning my history a bit better (or making shit up in my head, whichever), but the displays while great seem so...sterile without the historical context.
Flying into Bilbao tomorrow, and I owe another museum a visit - the guggenheim. Not really looking forward to that. As little as I know about history, I know literally nothing about art. That's it for today...running out of internet credits, and the rather large man 3 seats down has run out of food and is eyeing me in a way that's making me nervous. In any case, more to come. 3 full days until the Camino starts.
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